UN VIAJE DE DIOS VICTORIOSO                                             Parte 1 de 2
por Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


Cada vez que soy bendecida con el increíble regalo de participar en una faceta del Plan Divino que se devela involucrando la Compañía del Cielo y dedicados Trabajadores de la Luz alrededor del mundo, sé por encima de toda duda que este bendito planeta y TODA  su Vida  van a tener éxito en nuestra Ascensión a la Luz. Nuestro  Peregrinaje a los sitios sagrados a lo largo del Mar Mediterráneo y el Sur de Francia me confirmaron  esta verdad.

La realidad es que los Milagros que sucedieron durante nuestro Peregrinaje transcendieron lo que puede ser expresado en palabras, pero yo haré  todo lo posible para compartir con ustedes los eventos de nuestro viaje.  Había 103 peregrinos que físicamente se nos unieron en este viaje. Éramos conscientes que había también miles de Trabajadores de Luz que se unían con nosotros en consciencia. Nosotros los mantuvimos a todos y a cada uno firmemente en la Divinidad de nuestros corazones y disfrutamos del apoyo amoroso que recibimos proveniente de alrededor del mundo.

Para comprender la importancia de esta misión, me gustaría compartir con ustedes porqué nuestro Padre-Madre Dios hizo crecer el Llamado del Clarín pidiendo asistencia a todos los trabajadores de la luz encarnados en este esfuerzo.

Estamos en un punto de giro en la evolución de esta dulce Tierra para que podamos lograr el próximo paso en nuestro proceso de evolución, y  debemos revertir los efectos adversos de la caída de la Humanidad de la Gracia. Este proceso implica traer en equilibrio las Polaridades de Dios del Divino-Masculino y del Divino Femenino dentro de la Flama Corazón de cada persona. También esto involucra preparar a cada Flama Corazón en los cuerpos físico, etérico, mental y emocional de cada alma, para soportar las frecuencias de 5ta. Dimensión de nuestra Presencia Yo SOY, nuestra verdadera realidad de Dios.

Antes de la caída las Polaridades Masculinas y Femeninas de nuestro Padre-Madre Dios  estaba en equilibrio en el interior de cada persona sobre la Tierra. La Polaridad Masculina de nuestro Padre Dios activó nuestros hemisferios del cerebro izquierdo y se irradió hacia el plano físico  a través del centro de poder de nuestros Chakras Garganta. Esta frecuencia de Luz Divina irradió como una una Flama de Poder azul zafiro en el interior de la Flama Triple Victoriosa Inmortal en nuestros corazones. La Polaridad Femenina de nuestra Madre Dios activó nuestros hemisferios cerebrales derechos y se  difundió hacia el plano físico a través del centro de amor de nuestros Chakras Corazón. Esta frecuencia de Luz Divina resplandeció como una Flama de Amor rosada cristalina en el interior de la Triple Flama en nuestros corazones. 

Estas dos polaridades perfectamente balanceadas de nuestro Padre-Madre Dios entonces se fusionaron en una poderosa Flama Violeta. Este Fuego Sagrado ardió en nuestros cerebros y despertó nuestros centros cerebrales espirituales a su Potencial Divino pleno. Estos centros consisten de nuestras glándulas pituitaria, pineal hipotálamo y los centros ganglionares en la base de nuestros cerebros.

Con las Polaridades Femeninas y Masculinas de Dios en equilibrio dentro de nuestros cerebros y nuestros centros espirituales activados a su máximo potencial, nuestros Chakras Corona de Iluminación se abrieron a su máxima extensión dando luz al Hijo o a la Hija de Dios, el Cristo o la Consciencia Crística en el interior de cada persona. Esta frecuencia de Luz Divina resplandeció como una Flama Amarillo-dorada de Iluminación dentro de la Flama Triple en nuestros corazones. 

La Flama Triple Victoriosa Inmortal en cada corazón es la expresión física de la Santa Trinidad en el mundo de la forma. Para que un Hijo o Hija de Dios existan, esta Flama azul, rosa y dorada que representa el Poder, el amor y la Sabiduría de nuestros Padres Dios y Su Amado Hijo, deben estar presentes dentro del corazón. Para que un Hijo o una Hija de Dios alcancen su Potencial Divino pleno, no obstante, la Flama Triple no debe solamente existir, debe estar en equilibrio. Esto quiere decir que el balance perfecto del Poder de nuestro Padre Dios y del Amor de nuestra Madre Dios, que es mejor conocido como el Espíritu Santo. A través de este balance, el Amado Hijo de Dios----El Cristo—nace en el interior de cada persona.

En nuestro proceso de evolución,  allí llegó un punto en el tiempo cuando los Hijos y la Hijas de Dios evolucionando en la Tierra hicieron la elección del libre albedrío para utilizar nuestro regalo de Vida de maneras que entraron en conflicto con la Voluntad de Dios. A tgravés de nuestros pensamientos, palabras, acciones y emociones creamos mutaciones vulgares de los patrones de perfección que pulsan en el interior del Cuerpo Causal de Diosl. Estas deformaciones humanas comenzaron manifestándose en la Tierra como  envejecimiento, decadencia, enfermedad, falta y limitación, temor, guerra, violencia, corrupción, condiciones inclementes de tiempo, cambios en la Tierra en forma de cataclismos,  y cualquier otra dolencia que existe en la Tierra hoy. 

En un intento inútil de mantenernos alejados de sentir tanto dolor, cerramos nuestros Chakras Corazón para tratar de bloquear nuestra habilidad de sentir. Esta desafortunada decisión cerró el portal a través del que nuestra Madre Dios irradió Su Amor en el plano físico. Esto forzó a nuestra Madre Dios a  replegarse hasta ser un mero goteo de Su Potencial Divino original. Sin el balance del Amor Divino de nuestra Madre Dios, nuestros hemisferios del cerebro derecho se convirtieron en prácticamente dormidos. Esto causó que nuestros centros cerebrales espirituales se atrofiaran y nuestros Chakras Corona de Iluminación se cerraran. Perdimos contacto con el Cristo en nuestro interior. Olvidamos que somos Amados Hijos de Dios y perdimos conciencia del hecho que todo lo que nuestro Padre-Madre Dios tiene es nuestro.  

Por eones de tiempo, hemos sido enterrados en la efluvia de nuestras deformaciones humanas Era tras Era los Seres iluminados, los Avatares, los Budas y los Adeptos han encarnado  para tratar de despertar a la Humanidad a la Verdad de quienes son y porqué estamos en esta escuela  Terrenal de aprendizaje. El progreso ha sido dolorosamente lento, frecuentemente  inexistente.

Finalmente, hace un poquito más de  2,000 años, durante el comienzo de la Era dle Piscis, un plan fue  puesto en marcha, anclar los arquetipos del sendero de la Humanidad de regreso a la Consciencia de Cristo. Este plan,  muy parecido a lo que está sucediendo ahora al amanecer de la Era de Acuario, involucró a los trabajadores de la Luz encarnados trabajando al unísono con toda la Compañía del Cielo. 

El plan era que dos representantes voluntarios de nuestro Padre-Madre Dios encarnaran en la Tierra para crear la matriz del Balance Divino para las Polaridades del Masculino y Femenino de nuestro Padre-Madre Dios. Esta matriz debía ser creada por estas dos almas, modelando el sendero de Amor Divino que abriría el Chakra Corazón y permitiría el regreso de nuestra Madre Dios a través del Bautismo del Espíritu Santo.

Las almas elegidas para lograr esta proeza monumental fueron el Amado Jesús y su Divino Complemento o Flama Gemela, la Amada María Magdalena. Jesús en su plena capacidad como un Hijo de Dios se ofreció de voluntario para anclar la matriz para el Divino Masculino y María Magdalena en su plena capacidad como una Hija de Dios se ofreció de voluntaria para anclar la matriz del Divino Femenino.

Para anunciar la venida de estos resplandecientes Seres y para traer la Ceremonia Divina que iniciaría su misión, El Ser que conocemos como Juan el Bautista se ofreció de voluntario para encarnar en la Tierra.

y María Magdalena descendieron en la Tierra juntos y comenzaron la preparación de su misión sagrada.  Esta no fue una tarea fácil.  El Ego humano fragmentado basado en el temor,  que se desarrolló cuando la Humanidad cerró nuestros Chakras Corazón, así evitando nuestro poder  impidiendo que estuviera en balance con amor y reverencia por la Vida, ha estado  peleando con uñas y dientes durante milenios para tratar de bloquear el regreso de nuestra Madre Dios. Esta facción manipulativa de nuestra personalidad caída no iba a abandonar su control de nuestras vidas fácilmente. 
This manipulative faction of our fallen personality was not going to give up its control of our lives easily.

Jesus and Mary Magdalene knew that the fallen consciousness of Humanity was not going to allow people to immediately grasp the opportunity to balance the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of God within their hearts. In fact, they knew that it would be centuries before we really understood what they were trying to teach us. That is why in Revelations Jesus says to John the Beloved ,“In the Day of the Seventh Angel, when he begins to sound, the mystery of God will be fulfilled and time will be no more.” 

During the Piscean Age, the 6th Solar Aspect of Deity was the predominant influence. Now, during the Aquarian Age, the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity is the predominant influence. This is the Day of the Seventh Angel, and he is beginning to sound.

Jesus said that the voice of the 7th Angel would proclaim the time of the Second Coming of The Christ. This heralds the return of Christ Consciousness within every man, woman and child. This will occur through the return of our Mother God and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Baptism by Sacred Fire.

In spite of the overwhelming resistance, Jesus and Mary Magdalene accomplished their mission and anchored the matrix for the balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine Polarities of God within every evolving soul’s Heart Flame. This occurred whether a person was in or out of embodiment or if the soul was from the past, present or future.

After Jesus’ crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension plans were set into motion to protect Mary Magdalene from the wrath of the people who were still resisting the return of our Mother God. The Essene Brotherhood and Sisterhood, along with Mother Mary, Joseph of Arimathea, John the Beloved and some of the other disciples, guarded Mary Magdalene and the daughter she and Jesus had conceived.

Mary Magdalene was over-Lighted by the Company of Heaven and safely guided to various locations on the planet where she was able to anchor the matrix for the Divine Balance of our Mother God into the body of Mother Earth. This prepared the way for the coming of the Seventh Angel and the day when he would begin to sound, when our Mother God would at last reclaim Her rightful place within the hearts of the Children of God. This would be a time when Christ Consciousness would once again be birthed into the hearts and minds of Humanity.

The Truth about Mary Magdalene’s mission and the fact that she was anchoring the matrix for the return of our Mother God was cloaked in secrecy to conceal the plan from the masses and to prevent the plan from being blocked through the abuse of power being wielded by Humanity’s patriarchal human egos.

Her protectors were well aware of her mission, and after her Ascension they steadfastly held the Immaculate Concept for the return of our Mother God. These selfless exponents of God’s Will formed mystery schools and passed the information on in veiled and mysterious symbols that could not be deciphered by the common man or woman.

The newly formed Christian churches had difficulty blocking the groundswell of information that kept surfacing in mysterious ways about Mary Magdalene and her relationship with Jesus, her Beloved Twin Flame. Various Gospels were being circulated, which gave conflicting accounts of what really occurred during the pageantry and the founding of the Christian Dispensation.

In 325 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine I decided that the confusion in the Christian doctrine needed to be stopped and that the various factions needed a unified belief system. He called a meeting of over 300 bishops and organized what has been noted as the first Ecumenical Council. This was the Council of Nicaea.

During this gathering he denounced Arianism, which was founded by the theologian Arius. These teachings taught that Jesus was a Son of God, as are all the Children of Earth. He reiterated that God is within every person, and that people do not need to depend on Human Beings outside of themselves in order to communicate with God or to receive God’s Forgiveness.

This belief system interfered greatly with the power and control of the priesthood and the Church, so Constantine ordered Arius to cease and desist in teaching such heresy. At the end of the gathering Constantine ordered a vote, and all but three bishops signed the Nicaean Creed forbidding Arianism.

Constantine felt this vote of support gave him the right to proceed with his mission. He gathered the 48 gospels that were being circulated amongst the various factions of the Church. He went through all of them carefully and selected only the four gospels that indicated that Jesus was Divine—above all other Human Beings. These four gospels were unnamed, as were many of the 48 gospels. Constantine made the executive decision to name the gospels he chose to be included in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

He then proceeded to go through the rest of the teachings in the Bible. In order to maintain the supreme power of the Church and the patriarchal priesthood, he removed any reference to the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus, as well as any reference he could identify regarding reincarnation. Constantine’s actions redefined the status of Christianity, and formed the basis for the Bible used today throughout the Christian world.

Even with this obvious betrayal of the Truth, the mission of Jesus and Mary Magdalene could not be suppressed. To the total consternation of the Church, the  reality of their spiritual and intimate relationship kept surfacing. One by one, the seekers of Truth were guided to the mystery schools and secret societies. Little by little, they learned about the sacred mission of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

In 590 AD, Pope Gregory I had had enough and was determined to once and for all put an end to this threat to the patriarchal supremacy of the Church. With the stroke of the pen, Pope Gregory I declared Mary Magdalene to be a prostitute and asserted that she was seething with seven evil spirits. This was the very first time that Mary Magdalene was said to be a prostitute. That unconscionable lie was written nearly 600 years after her embodiment. As far as the Church was concerned, this concocted story squelched the rumors about Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s marriage.

In order to maintain a semblance of damage control, the Church leaders tried to transfer the attention from Mary Magdalene to Jesus’ Mother, the Virgin Mary. This was a futile effort in their attempt to block the return of our Mother God, because Beloved Mother Mary was an important Aspect of the Divine Feminine herself.

As the forerunners of the Divine Feminine progressed through those tumultuous times, Mother Mary protected the Truth about Mary Magdalene by holding the exoteric focus of the Divine Mother. At the same time, Mary Magdalene continued her mission of preparing the way for the return of our Mother God through esoteric circles and her teachings within the sacred mystery schools and secret societies.

For centuries, the Immaculate Concept of Mary Magdalene’s Divine Mission with Beloved Jesus was guarded from the outer world by her valiant protectors. With unfailing tenacity, these selfless souls prepared for the Day of the Seventh Angel when the return of our Mother God would be brought to fruition.

Throughout history there are bits and pieces of information regarding the souls fulfilling the service of protecting the mission of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, but most of them are terribly distorted and contaminated with misinformation from the patriarchal Church. The groups most noteworthy in this mission were the Essenes, the Druids, the Cathars and the Knights Templar.

Within the historic documentations of England, Spain, France and places throughout the Mediterranean, the mystical stories of the Essenes, Druids, Cathars and the Knights Templar can still be found. The most blatant proof of the Church’s attempt to suppress the secret knowledge of the Divine Feminine is revealed in the accounts of the horrific persecution and the brutal demise of these dedicated Lightworkers during the Crusades and the Inquisition.

Since the dawning of the Aquarian Age, which took place a few decades ago, Lightworkers have been making Pilgrimages to the areas where these atrocities took place. The intent of these Pilgrimages was to transmute the Etheric Records of the pain and suffering involved in protecting the Truth of the return of our Mother God. This purification was an important facet of the Divine Plan that had to be completed before the blocked Heart Meridian within the body of Mother Earth could be reopened. This Heart Meridian is the portal through which the completion of Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ Divine Mission will be fulfilled. It is the portal through which the Divine Balance of the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of God will be reactivated in the body of Mother Earth.

That brings us to our recent Pilgrimage. To signal to the world that the purification of the past had been completed and that all was in readiness for the next phase of the Divine Plan, an amazing outer-world event took place. On October 13, 1307, the Knights Templar throughout France were arrested and placed in prisons where they were tortured and eventually died. This was a massive endeavor orchestrated by the Inquisition to prevent the Knights from revealing the secret of Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine.

On October 13, 2007, exactly 700 years later, the Vatican revealed that it had found some 800-year-old documents from the Knights Templar, which had mysteriously been misplaced. The Vatican said that the documents would be released to the world, and they apologized for their transgressions.

In this monumental year of completion, this veiled message from the Church asking for forgiveness for its past transgressions involving the Knights Templar was broadcast on CNN via satellite throughout the world. As Humanity focused our attention on this message, the transmutation of the atrocities of the past was brought to completion. This event occurred the day before our glorious Pilgrimage began.

We had been told by our Father-Mother God that the time for the opening of the blocked Heart Meridian in the body of Mother Earth had come. This is the meridian that the Essenes, Druids, Cathars and Knights Templar and been protecting over centuries of time in preparation for the return of our Mother God. This was the same meridian along which Mary Magdalene anchored the matrix for the Divine Balance of the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of God in the years following Jesus’ Ascension.

Our God Parents said that those of us who were motivated by our Heart’s Call to make the sacrifice of our time, energy and money to accomplish this mission, had made this Pilgrimage again and again over centuries of time. They told us that the ancient footsteps we would be walking in were our own.

On October 14, 103 pilgrims from 15 countries began the journey to Barcelona, Spain. We arrived on October 15, and after settling into our hotel we gathered for a group dinner. During that time, Archangel Raphael Consecrated each of our Earthly Bodies and lifted us into a frequency that would allow us to be the most effective conductors of Light possible. We were each given a sacred necklace with a symbol of the open Heart of the Divine Feminine to wear during our holy adventure.

On October 16, we had breakfast together and loaded the busses for a tour of Barcelona. Barcelona has over 2,000 years of history. It became a Roman colony in 133 BC. Many of the churches and cathedrals in Barcelona are dedicated to various female Saints, but the grandest of them all is dedicated to the Holy Family: Mary, Joseph and Jesus. These are the Beings in the Christian Dispensation who represent the Divine Father, the Divine Mother and the Holy Child of God, The Christ. They are the representatives of the Sacred Fire, the Holy Trinity, blazing in every person’s heart.

This magnificent edifice is called the Temple of the Sagrada Familia. One facet of the structure is called the Central Portal of Birth. Two colossal domes are dedicated to the Virgin Mary and Jesus, The Christ, respectively. This is an example of the outer-world service of Mother Mary in which she is standing in for the esoteric mission of Mary Magdalene.

In the sacred endeavor of building this Temple, the architect, Antoni Gaudi, created a staggering sense of verticality, a meeting point between Heaven and Earth, God and Humanity.

After our tour of Barcelona, we progressed to the dock to board our beautiful cruise ship to begin our Pilgrimage through the Mediterranean. In Ages past, the Pilgrimage we were embarking on to the various positions along the Heart Meridian of Mother Earth was an arduous and dangerous feat. In this day and age, the trip is made by millions of travelers every year on luxurious cruise ships. This is not by chance. Divine Intervention has played an important part in this phenomenon.

The Beings of Light from the Realms of Truth set the tone for our adventure. They revealed to us that the collective body of Lightworkers present on this Pilgrimage represented the microcosm of the macrocosm of Humanity. They said that our collective life experiences through all of our Earthly sojourns contained a fragment of the Earthly experience of every evolving soul on Earth. We were told that the Etheric Records of the painful experiences of the past were now transmuted, and our mission was to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity as we anchored the archetypes for the New Earth. We were also asked by our Father-Mother God to serve as acupuncture needles along the Heart Meridian of Mother Earth.

Our guidance from On High was to focus on the Immaculate Concept of Heaven on Earth, as we opened the Heart Meridian and cleared the way for the Divine Balance of the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of God within Humanity and the body of Mother Earth.

The Company of Heaven perceived our sense of awe and assured us that we already had everything we needed within our Beings to accomplish our individual facets of this Divine Plan. We were told that each of us had been preparing for lifetimes for this Cosmic Moment, so as one unified Heart Flame we released any feelings of doubt or inadequacy and invoked our I AM Presence to take full dominion of our thoughts, words, actions and feelings.

The Company of Heaven asked that during our trek through the Mediterranean, we not organize any group tours involving all of the 103 people on this mission. Instead, we were each instructed to listen to our inner guidance and to participate individually in the available tours and opportunities that resonated in our heart of hearts. The end result of this plan was that  our group traversed each location north, south, east and west. This enabled us to cover the gamut of each acupuncture point along the Heart Meridian of Mother Earth.

On October 17, we reached the Isle of Mallorca in the Bay of Palma. The first settlers came to this island around the 5th century BC. Most of them came from the South of France. In the year 123 BC, Mallorca came under Roman rule.

One of the most important and emblematic monuments on this island is the Cathedral of Mallorca. It was the custom in medieval times to dedicate the first churches built in towns reconquered from “the pagans” to Jesus or Mother Mary. In Mallorca, which is an important point along the Heart Meridian of Mother Earth and thus a facet of the portal for the return of our Mother God, the cathedral was dedicated to Mother Mary.

August 15, the day celebrated as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day, is the local Feast Day. The devotion to Mother Mary, the Divine Mother, is reflected throughout the history of the cathedral and the works of art contained within it. The cathedral adopted as its seal the Throne of Mary on the waves. The water element represents the Emotional Body and the feeling nature of our Mother God.


Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


E-mail: PattiCR@aol.com        
FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

Este artículo tiene derechos de autor, pero tienes permiso para compartirlo a través de cualquier medio siempre que se incluya los créditos correspondientes.

©2007 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

La información de este mes ha sido dada a la Humanidad por los Seres de Luz en Los Reinos Iluminados de la Verdad. El Divino Intento de esta información es animar, dar poder, elevar e inspirar a todos nosotros para poder ver el panorama completo, durante estos tiempos maravillosos, pero extremadamente con desafíos.  


Traducción al español, compartiendo la luz: Alicia Virelli, avirelli@fibertel.com.ar