¿Cómo se vincula en su visión la evolución de la mente con la evolución global?


29 de Agosto 2014 

Traducción: Fara González

Para mí la 'percepción' es la clave para crear una evolución global. La 'percepción' es el primer atributo que ofrece el sistema nervioso. Mientras más avanzado sea un organismo evolutivamente, más percepción posee. Los científicos consideran generalmente el grado de 'percepción' como la medida primaria de la evolución. La humanidad está al borde de un incremento dramático en nuestra 'percepción'. Comenzaremos a ser perceptivos de que cada ser humano es el equivalente de una 'célula' en el cuerpo de un súper organismo, la humanidad. Actualmente, los humanos luchan entre sí, lo cual equivale a cuando las células en el cuerpo atacan a otras células en el cuerpo. Cuando las células del cuerpo luchan entre sí, en la medicina, nos referimos a la enfermedad resultante como representante de una 'enfermedad auto inmune' (se traduce como 'auto destrucción'), donde el cuerpo se destruye a sí mismo desde el interior. La supervivencia de la humanidad ahora es amenazada por el equivalente de una 'enfermedad auto inmune' ya que los humanos se están matando entre sí. Cuando percibamos que TODOS somos células en el mismo cuerpo, esa evolución en nuestra conciencia le permitirá a la humanidad sanarse y evolucionar.

biology of belief - think beyond our genes

How is mind evolution linked in your vision with global evolution?

Posted on August 29, 2014 by Biology of Belief

For me “awareness” is key to creating a global evolution. “Awareness” is the primary trait offered by the nervous system. The more evolutionarily advanced an organism is, the more awareness it possesses. Scientists generally consider the degree of “awareness” as the primary measure of evolution. Humanity is on the verge of a dramatic increase in our “awareness.” We will begin to become aware that each human being is the equivalent of a “cell” in the body of a superorganism, Humanity. Currently, humans are fighting each other, which is the same as when cells in the body attack other cells in the body. When body cells fight each other, in medicine, we refer to the resulting illness as representing “autoimmune disease” (translates as “self-destruction”), where the body destroys itself from within. The survival of humanity is now threatened by the equivalent of “autoimmune disease” since humans are killing each other. When we become aware that we are all cells in the SAME body, that evolution in our consciousness will allow humanity to heal itself and evolve.

That well explained and well you understand !. When I heard his comments in the interview shown on You Tube, I thought the same thing we now detailing. I saw myself as a small cell in the body, the huge land, which in turn is another cell that immense body that is our galaxy “The Milky Way” and I understood dear Mr. Lipton … What seems clear to me now everything! .. although I have much to learn, I know I’m going to get your hand … you speak wisely !; With simple wisdom available to all humans. It is a delight to enter or mind and follow their findings through their books. His wise words have to reach all men and … to stop wars. We are at a crucial moment of open-mindedness, to banish blindness to enter the light and you have been lit to open the way to those who seek.

Biology of Belief

Bio: Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences. More information: http://www.brucelipton.com/about